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The Philip Project

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What is the Philip Project?

The Philip Project aims to help students know and love the Bible more during their time in the UK, and to equip them to teach and share the Bible in their communities. We seek to achieve this through training and mentoring students to understand and teach the Bible, enabling them to be better equipped to serve the church wherever they go as disciplers, teachers or preachers - members of God's church.

Who is it for?

The Philip Project is designed for Christian international students and professionals with an interest in understanding the Bible and sharing its message with others.

We also welcome on the course international volunteers and those living in the UK who are seeking to reach their local ethnic communities
for Christ

Course Structure

All training days run from 9:30am to 3:00pm.
There are three parts to each training day:




Bible Overview and Worldviews
We examine the overall story of the Bible and other Worldviews.

Understanding the Bible
Teaching on how to interpret the different types of Bible literature.

Communicating the Bible
Training on how to understand a passage, and then prepare a talk or lead a bible study.

Why the ‘Philip’ Project?

In Acts 8, Philip encounters the Ethiopian eunuch who was returning home from Jerusalem, reading Isaiah. He asks him, "Do you understand what you are reading?” And the eunuch replies, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” After Philip explains the good news of Jesus to him from the prophecy, the eunuch believes and is baptised – and goes home with a new understanding of the Bible, able to tell others about him. In the same way, the Philip Project aims to help international students and professionals to understand the Bible and share it with others when they return home.

Schedule for 2024-25

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£70 (payable in monthly instalments) in addition to a £30 deposit upon registration. We don't want money to be an obstacle to joining so please talk to your church leader or get in touch if this is a problem.
This price doesn't include the cost of the weekend away which is part of the course.

Interested? Questions? Email us 


Philip Project Cambridge is coordinated by Gavin Fernandes   in partnership with local churches.

How Does it Work?
The goals of the Philip Project are achieved
through three forms of ‘relational’ learning and




Training days once a month on a Saturday, led by experienced teachers.

Mentoring to encourage each student’s Christian walk and aid their growth in understanding and teaching the Bible.

A weekend away in the spring with Bible talks and workshops on teaching the Bible (date and cost to be confirmed)

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