Friends International exists to equip churches and Christian volunteers from all walks of life - students, professionals, families, retired folk etc. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in partnering with us. Our volunteers are Christians, often from local churches, who support us in multiple ways; we hope we can support you as well.
Prayer is foundational to all we do. We meet to pray regularly and send out regular newsletters about what is going on, ways in which you can pray and how you can be involved. Please join us in prayer and let us know if you would like to receive our prayer letters
At the moment, we are particularly recruiting for CIO hosts for summer 2024. If you can help by housing a team member for CIO in the summer, we'd love to hear from you.

Host a student
Our Local Link scheme links international students with local individuals and families for a meal. This is a great way to show love and hospitality; we'd love it if you could join our group of hosts. Signing up just means we will get in touch to see if you are available to invite a student. Sign up here to be a host!

Join a Cafe team
Regular international cafes for students by teams of Christian volunteers. Cafes are places for us to welcome, befriend and witness to internationals. Get in touch if you would like to join a café.
Study the bible 1 to 1
What a joy it is to be able to share the Bible with an international, whether as an introductory study or as ongoing discipleship! We try to link students with Christians they already know but sometimes Christians have extra time or particular willingness to meet with students. If you would be willing for us to link students with you, please get in touch.

Join a summer team
Each summer thousands of internationals students come to Cambridge to learn English. Three short term teams (two weeks each) run a weekly programme to welcome, befriend and witness to them.
Get in touch to apply or find out more.

Join an English Class
Some volunteers run English classes and conversations groups as a way of helping students improve their speaking confidence. We don't always have space for more team members but if this is something you would like to be involved in please get in touch.
Chat with a Student
Can you be someone we link a student with so that they can practise English in one to one conversation? Please get in touch.
All Friends International ministries and staff members are financed solely from the giving of others. Here are some ways you can give (please specify 'Cambridge' or the staff member you want to support).
Church reps
A number of churches in Cambridge are represented each month at a church reps meeting where we share about what is happening in international outreach in the city, pool ideas for outreach and pray together. If your church is interested in joining please don't hesitate to get in touch.
FI Affiliates Network
The Affiliates Network offers a way of individuals to be part of the Friends International family as we seek to support and resource you and your church as you welcome, reach and disciples international student. We offer training, resources, networking the chance to connect with students. For more information and to join please click here.